Friday, April 6, 2007

No surprise, he didn't make it

C, 23 year old father of 5 by 2 different mothers, was allowed one tardy or abscence between March 24 and June 8, as detailed below. Last Friday (day after payday) he was 35 minutes late, and confessed to being hung over. This morning he didn't come in, then finally 1 hour 25 minutes after shift change left me a message on the voice mail that he had to go to the Dr but could I please give him one more chance. I have collected his time card, when he shows up I will escort him right back out. He'll beg and plead on behalf of his 5 children, and I will have to be a heartless capitalist bastard, but again I assert: I will help someone up to the same amount they are trying to help themselves. If he really wants to take care of his children he should quit caroussing and partying.


Anonymous said...

Which part is "heartless" or "capitalist"? The part where you keep your word (I call that "honest", or "consistent"), or the part where you deal with this personally instead of delegating a messy situation to a Department Head (I call that "brave", or "courteous")?

Maybe I don't just speak factorytalk fluently enough...

Sweet Daddio said...

He never came in Friday, and when he came in Monday and didn't have a time card he of course came to see me. I informed him he was no longer employed and his response was "Whatzat mean?"

"You're fired"

"Naw- I went to the Dr. I got a note."

"Yeah, that's why I gave you one freebie. You used it unwisely and now you are unemployed."

He accused me of being harsh, a charge I did not deny. I also pointed out that he knew what the stakes were and made NO effort to improve his performance.

His parting words?

"If I'd knowed you was really gonna fire me I would've done better"

Jo said...

Really, he shouldn't have been surprised he got the axe. Somehow I have the feeling this wasn't the first time this has happened to him.

So his only motivation for being a good employee is the fear of being fired? Pretty sad.